HomeThe strategic frameworkSystems and technologies for p...

Systems and technologies for people

Demographic change is shifting the age structure of the Upper Austrian population. While the proportion of younger people is falling, the number of older people is increasing. The lack of skilled workers caused by this development is a strongly limiting factor for the further development of the region. Systems and technologies that allow people to remain actively involved in familiar surroundings for longer can counteract this effect. The interdisciplinary research and work field of medical technology has undergone strong development in Upper Austria over recent years. The human/machine interface, especially in the area of production and manufacturing, and related topics such as the level of acceptance of supporting systems and new technologies by potential users will become even more important in the future.


  • Position Upper Austria as an international competence region for applications at the human/machine interface, especially in the fields of automation and robotics
  • Transfer key Upper Austrian technologies and core competences from production to medical technology, especially in the areas of digital health and medical materials

What systems and technologies for people in Upper Austria mean for us:

  • We focus our activities on the human/machine interface and create networked, semi-autonomous as well as autonomous systems that enable people to remain actively involved in familiar surroundings for longer.
  • We increasingly think in terms of interdisciplinary and holistic approaches in order to benefit from existing competencies and technologies.